SBD - Saif Bin Darwish
SBD stands for Saif Bin Darwish
Here you will find, what does SBD stand for in Construction under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Saif Bin Darwish? Saif Bin Darwish can be abbreviated as SBD What does SBD stand for? SBD stands for Saif Bin Darwish. What does Saif Bin Darwish mean?The United Arab Emirates based company is located in Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi engaged in construction industry.
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Alternative definitions of SBD
- Solomon Islands Dollar
- San Bernardino International (formerly Norton Air Force Base), San Bernardino, California USA
- Sleep-Related Breathing Disorder
- Simultaneous Bidirectional
- Switchboard
- Senile brain disease
- Switchboard
- South Beach Diet
View 71 other definitions of SBD on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- SCSS St. Catherine of Siena School
- SISI Santander Investment Securities Inc
- SMRMC Southwest Mississippi Regional Medical Center
- SSBAT Sprint Store By Arch Telecom
- S1ST Security 1St Title
- SERI Samsung Economics Research Institute
- SAGCE The South African Gold Coin Exchange
- SNA School Nutrition Association
- SIRMMJH SIR Moses Montefiore Jewish Home
- SBC Sweetwater Brewing Company
- SCH Star Communications Holding
- SNS Shiv Nadar School
- SNO Smith and Nephew Orthopedics
- SCEA Swan Christian Education Association
- SAMG SA Metal Group
- SELC Southern Environmental Law Center